God's Word is often conveyed through human means.
[0:00] A Pastor's Reflections Speak Unto Exodus 14, 15 And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me?
[0:10] Speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward. John 6, 63 The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life. 2 Peter 3, 15 Even as our beloved brother Paul, also, according to the wisdom given unto him, has written unto you.
[0:32] Our God is not a silent God. He is not remote and distant. Neither is he wanting us to lack in our understanding of him and his works. God has given us his wonderful word and we have the privilege of reading, hearing, and living in the truths of that word.
[0:51] Not only that, but God has promised that his word will be to us a living word. The situations and circumstances of our lives will be under the direct input of a loving Heavenly Father.
[1:06] However, as wonderful as those truths are, there is also a heavy responsibility that goes along with our privilege of possessing God's word. It is not to be kept to ourselves.
[1:21] Remarkably, no matter how specific and how personal the word of God speaks to us, it is never to be just about us. Psalms 119, verse 13 With my lips have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth.
[1:36] Matthew 10, 27 What I tell you in darkness that speak you in light and what you hear in the ear that preach you upon the housetaps.
[1:48] Does that mean that nothing is personal and private? No, not at all. But what it does mean is that even the most personal and private moments with God are to work out into having an effect not just in our lives, but the lives of others.
[2:04] When Moses was told by God in Exodus 14 to go forward through the Red Sea, he was not just told that for his own benefit and deliverance, but for the benefit and deliverance of all.
[2:19] No, it is not always easy to bear the responsibility of passing on God's word. It is much easier to internalize God's truths and to simply keep to ourselves the word which God has spoken to us.
[2:32] After all, can't God speak to others just as well as he can to me? Yes, that is 100% true. God does speak to others, but sometimes that speaking uses a human voice.
[2:48] Father, help me to be a willing vessel and a willing voice for you. Keep me from clamming up when you want me to speak forth. Use me to speak forth the word of God with a human voice, just as Jesus did.
[3:04] Amen.