[0:00] A pastor's reflections, no other. John 10.10 I am come, that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. Exodus 3.14 And God said unto Moses, I am that I am.
[0:16] And he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I am has sent me unto you. Ephesians 4.4 There is one body and one spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling.
[0:35] The singularity of the gospel stands apart from all other religions of man. There is a uniqueness about the claims of Jesus that no other person or religion can make.
[0:47] The religions of the world attempt to be unique in their external trappings and rituals, but at their core, they are all the same in their man-centered focus.
[0:59] Jesus stands apart, and that while he came to save man, he did not focus upon man, but upon God. Religion keeps the focus upon either man's shortcomings or his efforts, whereas Jesus turns the focus off of lost man and onto the one who can save man.
[1:19] The reality of man's condition of sin means that fallen man could never have the capacity to rescue himself. One who is contaminated with sin has no ability to cleanse another sinner from sin without recontamination.
[1:37] The reality of sin also means there can be only one Savior. Sin is a very specific condition that you either have or don't. For those who are in this condition, all of humanity, they need a solution, but only one.
[1:55] Once the condition and effect of sin has been removed, why would there ever be a need for another cure? It would be foolish to research a new cure for a condition that no longer exists.
[2:08] And so it would be nonsense to seek to free man from the sin he has already been freed from. No, the problem is not the singularity of the cure.
[2:20] The problem is man who refuses the cure. Jesus steps into the history of man as the solution that man has been searching for for all of time.
[2:32] Jesus alone has the capacity to rescue man from his condition of sin. And Jesus alone is able to not only remove sin, but to also give in its place a new life that is not only sinless, but eternal.
[2:48] Why would anyone reject such an amazing offer? Because as much as man needs a rescue from his sin, man also loves his sin.
[2:59] For fallen man, sin is not only our condition, but our definition. Sin defines who we are and what we are. Sin gives a false sense of value and identity to self.
[3:14] And man will fight long and hard to keep that identity. The singularity of the good news of Jesus, the Savior, requires man to lay aside the life of self and receive the new life of the Savior.
[3:30] The amazing truth of that good news is that once a person receives the new life of the Savior, they will never want to go back to the old life of self and sin.
[3:43] Today, we have the wonderful privilege of not only receiving the new life, but of living daily in the singularity and reality of a life apart from the effects of sin.
[3:56] Yes, sin is still present in this world, but our presence is no longer defined by that sin. In the place that sin once dwelled, our hearts, another has come to take up residence, and there is no other like Him.
[4:13] Acts 4.12 Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. Father, thank you for sending your Son to be our singular Savior.
[4:28] Thank you for bringing to man the cure for his incurable condition of sin. Apart from Jesus, there is no other means by which we can enter into life. Help us to not only live in the reality of that truth, but to tell others of the singular fact that there is no other way but Jesus.
[4:50] Amen.